My Unexpected Surprise

My Unexpected Surprise Piper Rayne


My Unexpected Surprise (The Greene Family #5)

I never thought of myself as dad material.
Until my one-night stand showed up in my small Alaskan town five months pregnant.

But I don’t shy away from responsibility. First, because I’m a Greene and not to boast but we’re kind of a big deal in Sunrise Bay. Second, I’m the Sheriff.

I couldn’t have predicted how protective I’d become for the safety of her and my unborn baby to the point of asking her to move in with me and be my roommate.

Just when I think I have the situation under control, another surprise knocks me over, but it only spurs me to double down.

I’ll be the first to admit, I didn’t think it through. Somewhere between the dinners, the TV show binging, the doctor appointments, and me walking in on her naked, lines blurred.

In what feels like warp speed, my bachelor for life status is in jeopardy and I’m fighting for the most important thing of all—my family.

Romance / Romance policial

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My Unexpected Surprise


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Uma fanfic não muito boa
on 13/1/22

Ruim. Achei os personagens sem personalidade e o plot que parecia promissor, foi bem raso no seu desenvolvimento. Como peguei pelo meio a série (com esse livro), não sei dizer se todos os livros são ruins ou simplesmente não consegui me adaptar a escrita da autora. Enfim, não o coloco no meu hall pessoal de recomendações. PS: Poderia elaborar mais nessa resenha, mas a decepção é grande demais para sequer dissertar sobre os personagens e cenas. No final vai acabar lendo o livro quem ... leia mais


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ranking 33



Ren Alc.
cadastrou em:
11/01/2022 19:29:24
editou em:
21/02/2023 20:07:39

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