My Story

My Story Marilyn Monroe


My Story

Written at the height of her fame but not published until over a decade after her death, this autobiography of actress and sex symbol Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962) poignantly recounts her childhood as an unwanted orphan, her early adolescence, her rise in the film industry from bit player to celebrity, and her marriage to Joe DiMaggio. In this intimate account of a very public life, she tells of her first (non-consensual) sexual experience, her romance with the Yankee Clipper, and her prescient vision of herself as "the kind of girl they found dead in the hall bedroom with an empty bottle of sleeping pills in her hand." The Marilyn in these pages is a revelation: a gifted, intelligent, vulnerable woman who was far more complex than the unwitting sex siren she portrayed on screen. Lavishly illustrated with photos of Marilyn, this special book celebrates the life and career of an American icon — from the unique perspective of the icon herself.

Marilyn Monroe was a film actress whose seductive screen presence shot her to stardom as a sex symbol. After she was mysteriously found dead of a drug overdose at the age of 36, the movie star became a beloved pop icon. Journalist, novelist, and Oscar-winning screenwriter of Underworld, Ben Hecht (1893-1964) assisted Marilyn in the creation of My Story.

Biografia, Autobiografia, Memórias

Edições (1)

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My Story


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on 29/3/20

É um livro de memórias no qual Norma Jean (Marilyn Monroe) tem ajuda de Ben Hecht para escrever e possui imagens do fotógrafo Milton Greene que sabia capitar toda a beleza que ela possuía. A leitura é leve, agradável e bem resumida fala um pouco sobre a dura e difícil infância que teve, os empecilhos que teve na vida até a difícil aceitação dela em Hollywood e que apesar dos problemas e da menina/mulher frágil e solitária possuía força e determinação e jamais desistiu dos sonhos que t... leia mais


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