My Champion

My Champion Alanea Alder


My Champion (Bewitched and Bewildered #7)

Declan Lionhart has been running interference between the Founding Families and the citizens of Noctem Falls since the day he arrived in the city. His hopes of being a simple unit warrior crumbles in the face of their troubles and it looks like he will always be bound by his family's political legacy. But with current tensions skyrocketing to unimaginable levels, Declan's laid back persona and easy smile are needed now more than ever.

Kari Delaney has finally achieved everything she's ever wanted. The business she created from scratch is booming and she has her dream custom built condo in the heart of the small town where she was raised. But all that changes the day she gets her evacuation notice.

Despite being a vampire, Kari hates Noctem Falls and the politics that permeates every aspect of life within the city. Under protest she and her younger brother leave for the City of the Night.

Declan is smitten with his little general and the strength she exudes. But when it's just the two of them he begins to break down her carefully constructed walls and shows her that even though he's easy going, he is still an Alpha, and his lion is demanding her heart.

When the entire city erupts into chaos with matings being dissolved and Founding Families making alliances, Declan realizes it will take every trick he learned at his father's knee to maneuver through the murky political waters swirling around them. Both he and his mate race against time to keep the people of the city safe, despite homesick children, disastrous dinners, Meryn's wacky revenge plans and an unexpected pairing.

Erótico / Fantasia / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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My Champion


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Serie bacana
on 12/11/20

Bom devo dizer que gosto desta série, gosto do mundo paranormal que a autora criou, com shifters, vampiros, fadas, e bruxos. Gosto do companheirismo e amizade dos personagens. Mas ainda estou me acostumando com a mudança de cidade. Este livro conta a história de Kari Delaney e Declan Lionhart, ele é um leão shifter e um pouco diferente do que eu imaginava. Eu pensei que ele seria mais alfa, mais possessivo e cuidadoso com a sua companheira. Ela é uma vampira. O livro também nos apre... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.3 / 504
ranking 56
ranking 33
ranking 9
ranking 2
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
12/11/2016 11:08:37
Mariana (adorolivrosderomance)
editou em:
23/08/2018 11:04:39

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