Murder Plays House (A Mommy-Track Mystery Book 5) (English Edition)

Murder Plays House (A Mommy-Track Mystery Book 5) (English Edition) Ayelet Waldman


Murder Plays House (A Mommy-Track Mystery Book 5) (English Edition)

From the author of Bad Mother and Love and Other Impossible Pursuits--a mystery series featuring a Los Angeles mom... With a new arrival on the way, the Applebaum household is bursting at the seams. And Juliet is balancing clue-chasing and diaper-changing with a new task: house-hunting Juliet loves her kids. She loves their dirty little faces and skinned knees. She loves the ridiculous and amazing things they say. But when three-and-a-half year old Isaac evicts her husband and her from their own bed one night, love is the last thing on her mind. Juliet now recognizes the need for a few changesstarting with a bigger house. And when the new baby arrives, theyll welcome the extra space. But if theres ever a bad time to search for a new house in L.A., its now. In a buyer-unfriendly real estate market, one practically has to kill to find an affordable home. No wonder Juliet is prepared to over look a corpse on the grounds of her would-be dream house. To salve her conscienceand get her foot literally in the front doorshe vows to find the killer of the homeowners sister. The investigation leads her from the madness of house-hunting into a world of washed-up actors and canceled TV shows, a world more depraved than she could ever have imagined [Juliet is] a lot like Elizabeth Peters warm and humorous Amelia Peabodya brassy, funny, quick-witted protagonist.Houston Chronicle Ayelet Waldman is the author of numerous books including Love and Treasure and the Mommy-Track Mysteries featuring Juliet Applebaum. The series includes such titles as The Big Nap, A Playdate with Death, and Death Gets a Time-Out.

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Murder Plays House (A Mommy-Track Mystery Book 5) (English Edition)



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