Mistakenly Saving the Villain #3

Mistakenly Saving the Villain #3 Feng Yu Nie


Mistakenly Saving the Villain #3 #3

Professor System has issued a mission: to rescue the gentle, kind and tragic protagonist shou of the novel "The Exceptional Furnace".

Song 'Scholar-Tyrant' Qingshi: "Don't worry, Professor! I can definitely ensure the patient's recovery!"

In the Immortal Realm:

Song Qingshi praised from the bottom of his heart: "My patient is the kindest and most beautiful little angel in the world."

Yue Wuhuan quietly washed the blood from his hands and smiled softly: "En."

Song Qingshi swore from the bottom of his heart: "As a doctor, I will never covet nor take advantage of my beautiful patient!"

Yue Wuhuan took full and complete advantage of the doctor and smiled softly: "En."

Song Qingshi affirmed from the bottom of his heart: "Under my loving care, the patient will never be blackened!"

Yue Wuhuan secretly hid his monstrously evil thoughts and smiled softly: "En."

At that inextinguishable summit, upon thousand and thousands of soul lamps, he sat on the god's throne of white bone, guarding that piece of stone.

"You are the only one in this world who treats me tenderly."

"And so, you are the only one I treat tenderly."

Scholar-tyrant Song was absolutely delighted: "Professor! Can I get full marks?"

Professor System exploded: "You fool! You saved the wrong person!"

LGBT / GLS / Romance

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Mistakenly Saving the Villain #3


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Mistakenly Saving the Villain #2
Mistakenly Saving the Villain #1
Mistakenly Saving the Villain #1 ao #3

Resenhas para Mistakenly Saving the Villain #3 (1)

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Salvando a ?pessoa errada?? muitas vezes
on 5/11/23

Enfim finalizei misvil e agora escrevendo essa resenha me vem muitas memórias durante minha leitura da novel. Gosto de falar minha experiência desde o princípio, então, nesse caso, comecei a leitura não tendo muitas expectativas, na minha cabeça iria ser como uma comédia romântica. Imagina a minha supresa a descobrir a angústia intensa durante os capítulos. Foi inevitável que me sentisse envolvida, apesar de passar raiva algumas vezes e quase arrancar meus cabelos em outras partes, me... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 20
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cadastrou em:
13/05/2023 19:19:17
editou em:
13/05/2023 19:19:51

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