Millinery de Hattie Glover

Millinery de Hattie Glover Bonnie Dee


Millinery de Hattie Glover (The Providence Street Shops #1)

Single-minded businesswoman meets charming loafer. Sparks ignite!

Harriet Glover’s heart is not open for romance. Creating a millinery business has been her sole focus ever since a youthful heartbreak ruined her reputation and changed the course of her life. But fate has more in store for Hattie than adorning the heads of London’s elite with one-of-a-kind chapeaus. When a man who sets her head spinning and a young woman in dire need of help both enter her shop on the same day, Hattie’s life will transform once more.

For years, Guy Hardy has romanced one mistress after another but has never truly given his heart. One casual visit to a hat shop interrupts the flow of his easy, shallow life. The bold, hard-headed, witty proprietress sells him a hat and steals his desire for any other woman. He begins to haunt the millinery more often than any gentleman should.

Meanwhile, Hattie aids a society miss facing a loveless marriage while pining for her secret sweetheart. In helping the girl achieve the almost insurmountable goal of finding happiness, Hattie reassesses the barriers she’s erected around her heart.

Perhaps it’s time to open shop and trust a man again, even if she fears the object of her desire may be more charm than substance.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Millinery de Hattie Glover


Resenhas para Millinery de Hattie Glover (1)

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on 1/2/22

Harriet Glover é proprietária de uma chapelaria de sucesso, uma mulher respeitável, mas que esconde um passado que arruinou sua reputação e mudou sua vida completamente. Ela tem se dedicado exclusivamente ao seu negócio, até o dia que conhece Guy Hardy, um homem rico, bonito, namorador e que fica encantado por Harriet. Comecei essa trilogia pelo livro 2, depois parti para o terceiro e só então voltei para esse, ou seja, eu já tinha uma noção de como terminaria o livro, mas espe... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
29/01/2022 19:35:57
editou em:
29/01/2022 19:36:17