Milk Fed

Milk Fed Melissa Broder


Milk Fed

Rachel is twenty-four, a lapsed Jew who has made calorie restriction her religion. By day, she maintains an illusion of existential control, by way of obsessive food rituals, while working as an underling at a Los Angeles talent management agency. At night, she pedals nowhere on the elliptical machine. Rachel is content to carry on subsisting--until her therapist encourages her to take a ninety-day communication detox from her mother, who raised her in the tradition of calorie counting.

Early in the detox, Rachel meets Miriam, a zaftig young Orthodox Jewish woman who works at her favorite frozen yogurt shop and is intent upon feeding her. Rachel is suddenly and powerfully entranced by Miriam--by her sundaes and her body, her faith and her family--and as the two grow closer, Rachel embarks on a journey marked by mirrors, mysticism, mothers, milk, and honey.

Pairing superlative emotional insight with unabashed vivid fantasy, Broder tells a tale of appetites: physical hunger, sexual desire, spiritual longing, and the ways that we as humans can compartmentalize these so often interdependent instincts. Milk Fed is a tender and riotously funny meditation on love, certitude, and the question of what we are all being fed, from one of our major writers on the psyche--both sacred and profane.


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Milk Fed


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Resenhas para Milk Fed (26)

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on 27/9/21

tava meio receosa de ler esse livro pq a personagem principal tem anorexia e eu achei q fosse ficar engatilhada, mas decidi ler msm assim e fiquei meio incomodada em algumas partes, mas nada demais (já aviso q pode ser gatilho pra outras pessoas pq os comportamentos alimentares da rachel são bem descritivos). pra mim, o ponto alto de Milk Fed foi a escrita crua e realista da autora, o tipo de escrita que te faz ficar desconfortável e ao mesmo tempo aliviado com a descriçao dos pensamen... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.7 / 96
ranking 19
ranking 53
ranking 22
ranking 5
ranking 1



João gregorio
cadastrou em:
23/02/2021 22:42:56
Nina - Não Quero Trocar Livros
editou em:
22/11/2022 09:36:50

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