Meghan: A Hollywood Princess

Meghan: A Hollywood Princess Andrew Morton


Meghan: A Hollywood Princess

From Andrew Morton, the New York Times bestselling author of Diana: Her True Story, comes a revealing, juicy, and inspiring biography of Meghan Markle, the American actress who won Prince Harry's heart.

When Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were set up by a mutual friend on a blind date in July 2016, little did they know that the resulting whirlwind romance would lead to their engagement in November 2017 and marriage in May 2018.

Since then, our fascination with the woman who has smashed the royal mold has rocketed. So different from those coy brides of recent history, Meghan is confident, charismatic, and poised; her warm and affectionate engagement interview won the hearts of the world.

In this first-ever biography of the duchess-to-be, acclaimed royal biographer Andrew Morton goes back to Meghan's roots to uncover the story of her childhood growing up in The Valley in Los Angeles, her studies at an all-girls Catholic school, and her fraught family life-a painful experience mirrored by Harry's own background. Morton also delves into her previous marriage and divorce in 2013, her struggles in Hollywood as her mixed heritage was time and again used against her, her big break in the hit TV show Suits, and her work for a humanitarian ambassador-the latter so reminiscent of Princess Diana's passions. Finally, we see how the royal romance played out across two continents but was kept fiercely secret, before the news finally broke and Meghan was thrust into the global media's spotlight like never before.

Drawing on exclusive interviews with her family members and closest friends, and including never-before-seen photographs, Morton introduces us to the real Meghan as he reflects on the impact that she has already had on the rigid traditions of the House of Windsor, as well as what the future might hold.

Biografia, Autobiografia, Memórias

Edições (1)

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Meghan: A Hollywood Princess


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on 9/6/18

Andrew Morton, conhecido biógrafo da realeza britânica, traz um livro com detalhes sobre a vida de Meghan, Duquesa de Sussex. Ele apresenta o começo de sua vida, a adolescência, amadurecimento, o primeiro casamento que não deu certo e sua incansável busca por papéis e reconhecimento em Hollywood, que resultou em Rachel Zane da série ?Suits?, único papel de destaque em que ela realmente atuou. Morton pecou em não entrevistar pessoas que conhecem Meghan, o que de certa forma, empobreceu ... leia mais


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25/04/2018 17:40:01

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