Megan Meade

Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys Kieran Scott
Kate Brian


Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys

When she was nine, Megan Meade met a group of terrible, mean, Popsicle-goo-covered boys, the sons of her father's friend -- the McGowan boys. Now, seven years later, Megan's army doctor parents are shipping off to Korea and Megan is being sent to live with the little monsters, who are older now and quite different than she remembered them.
Living in a house with seven boys will give Megan, who has never even been kissed, the perfect opportunity to learn everything there is to know about boys. And she'll send all her notes to her best friend, Tracy, in...

Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys

Observation #1: Being an army brat sucks. Except that this is definitely a better alternative to moving to Korea.
Observation #2: Forget evil, laughing, little monsters. These guys have been touched by the Abercrombie gods. They are a blur of toned, suntanned perfection.

Observation #3: I need a lock on my door. STAT.

Observation #4: Three words: six-pack abs.

Observation #5: Do not even get me started on the state of the bathroom. I'm thinking of calling in a hazmat team. Seriously.

Observation #6: These boys know how to make enemies. Big time.

Megan Meade will have to juggle a new school, a new family, a new crush -- on the boy next door, as in next bedroom door -- and a new life. Will she survive the McGowan boys?

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Megan Meade
Megan Meade


Resenhas para Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys (1)

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on 1/7/10

Eu amei o livro, é muito bom. Só que o final eu achei tãaao confuso. Não vou dizer nada para não dar spoilers, mas eu tô me roendo aqui. Tirando isso, o livro é ótimo!... leia mais


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21/02/2014 21:52:15

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