
Maya's Aura - The Refining Skye Smith


Maya's Aura - The Refining

Cover Flap This is the second book in the Maya's Aura series. It continues with both of the story timelines from the first book: Maya's Aura - the Awakening. Young Maya is thoroughly enjoying her extended vacation in Vancouver. She is boarding for free with a gay couple in return for letting them document her aura. She is earning pocket money picking up bit parts from movie casting calls. She is meeting lots of interesting people on Wreck Beach, at U.B.C., in the local acting scene, and in the local gay scene. The bummer is, her aura is starting to seriously scare her, and her new friends. Her aura is completely out of control. Dangerously out of control. She has no choice. She has to find someone to teach her how to control it and refine it. With the help of an aging Tai Chi master, a monk, a psychiatrist, an actress, and a gay makeover wizard she learns a lot. Not only how to refine her aura, but also how to refine herself. From the country girl who worked in a coffee shop, emerges a sophisticated young woman. And then her adventures really begin.... About the Author Skye Smith is my pen name. My family convinced me not to use my real name because they feared that predators would use the internet to find me. You'll understand why as you fall in love with sweet Maya, my main character. I wish I could use my own name, but I cant. Sorry. Originally I set out to write a story about vampires and witches, but those have been done to death in eBooks, so instead I gave Maya a strong aura, which allowed her to sense the presence of psychopaths. As I wrote the novel I came to realize that vampires are just psychopaths that stay up late and drink blood. Or maybe psychopaths are just vampires that have swapped their blood habit for good old fashioned greed, power, and lust. Other Novels By The Same Author: The Hoodsman 12 historical adventures set in the Norman conquest. Knut many historical adventures set in the Viking Era. The Pistoleer 9 historical adventures set in the English Civil War. Mayas Aura 8 new age adventures while tripping around the world. 1. The Awakening - She discovers her strange aura. 2. The Refining - She learns how to use her aura. 3. The Ashram - She searches for answers in India 4. Goa to Nepal - She follows a quest into the Himalayas 5. The Charred Coven - She fights black craft in England. 6. The Crystal Witch - She learns psychic craft in England 7. The Redemptioner - Psychic dreams of her ancestor Britta. 8. Destroy the Tea Party - Brittas adventures in Boston in 1773.

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