Madame Bovary

Madame Bovary Gustave Flaubert


Madame Bovary (Oxford World's Classics)

One of the acknowledged masterpieces of 19th century realism, Madame Bovary is revered by writers and readers around the world, a mandatory stop on any pilgrimage through modern literature. Flaubert's legendary style, his intense care over the selection of words and the shaping of sentences, his unmatched ability to convey a mental world through the careful selection of telling details, shine on every page of this marvelous work. Now the award-winning translator Margaret Mauldon has produced a modern translation of this classic novel, one that perfectly captures the tone that makes Flaubert's style so distinct and admired.

Madame Bovary scandalized its readers when it was first published in 1857. And the story itself remains as fresh today as when it was first written, a work that remains unsurpassed in its unveiling of character and society. It tells the tragic story of the romantic but empty-headed Emma Rouault. When Emma marries Charles Bovary, she imagines she will pass into the life of luxury and passion that she reads about in sentimental novels and women's magazines. But Charles is an ordinary country doctor, and provincial life is very different from the romantic excitement for which she yearns. In her quest to realize her dreams she takes a lover, Rodolphe, and begins a devastating spiral into deceit and despair. And Flaubert captures every step of this catastrophe with sharp-eyed detail and a wonderfully subtle understanding of human emotions. Malcolm Bowie, a leading authority on French literature, explores Flaubert's genius in his masterly introduction to this must-have book for all lovers
of great literature.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (26)

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Madame Bovary
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on 21/7/21

Qual o limite moral que separa o "estar certo por lutar pelos sonhos da sua vida" e o "ser tão egoísta a ponto de enganar e desgraçar aqueles que te amam e confiam em você"? Nunca tinha achado uma personagem que dividisse tanto minha opinião quando Emma. Ela é de longe a melhor personagem desse livro, me fez ficar sempre oscilando entre torcer pra ela se livrar do seu sofrimento e torcer pra ela se ferrar por ser tão egoísta. Esse livro tem uma linguagem difícil (nunca li um livro q... leia mais


Avaliações 4.0 / 413
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