Mad About You: A Novel (English Edition)

Mad About You: A Novel (English Edition) Mhairi McFarlane


Mad About You: A Novel (English Edition)

Harriet Hatley is the most in-demand wedding photographer in town, but she doesn’t believe in romance, loathes the idea of marriage, and thinks chocolate fountains are an abomination. Which is why, when her long-time partner proposes, she panics. Suddenly Harriet is single… and living down the hall from her ex. She needs a new apartment, like, yesterday.

Enter Cal Clarke, a hopeless romantic who just experienced his own wedding-related disaster. Harriet and Cal are like chalk and cheese, but as they go from strangers to roommates to friends, it becomes clear they’re both running from something. When Harriet’s most heavily guarded secret comes to light, her world implodes. And Cal, with his witty humor and gentle advice, is a surprising source of calm at the center of the storm.

With her career, friendships, and reputation on the line, Harriet must finally face her past in order to take control of her future. Because if she’s willing to stop playing it safe and risk everything to share her truth, real love and happiness may be waiting on the other side…

International bestseller Mhairi McFarlane delivers a sharp, emotional new novel about a woman who calls off her engagement to "the perfect man" and moves in with a charming stranger who makes her question everything about her life, her past, and the secrets she's kept for far too long…

Chick-lit / Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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Mad About You: A Novel (English Edition)


Resenhas para Mad About You: A Novel (English Edition) (6)

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slow burn, mas do plot todo
on 22/9/22

O foco desse livro não é o relacionamento romântico de Harriet (protagonista). O que não é problema algum. O livro foca no desenvolvimento da personagem, a forma que ela lidou com seus traumas de antigos relacionamentos (amorosos, familiares e de amizades). Ele é um "slow burn" de tudo. De romance, de desenvolvimento de personagem. Tem que ter bastante paciência para ler. Eu sinto que Harriet poderia ter um crescimento maior, talvez não tão lento. Se isso acontecesse, acredito que a l... leia mais


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