Love and Tempest

Love and Tempest Flávio Aguiar & Sandra Guardini T. Vasconcelos (orgs.)


Love and Tempest

Among the conflicts of the 1920s in Brazil, marked by military revolts, the movement known as Tenentismo produced one of the most extraordinary journeys of humanity: the march of the Prestes Column, led by Luis Carlos Prestes, who traveled 9,000 kilometers in the Brazilian hinterland, challenging the central government and seeking, through his heroic tour, to raise the country against the status quo. Behind Prestes, led by fate to the faltering ranks of federal troops, follows the young sergeant Coracy, character tormented by the circumstances that always carry him farther from home, where a stepbrother wants to take not only his inheritance as Eugenia, the love of life.

In his epic journey, where fighting the enemy is the last priority, Coracy crosses icons of Brazilian history, as the Marechal Rondon, famous explorer and defender of the Indians, the bloodthirsty legendary bandit Lampião and finally Prestes himself, who by chance he is given the opportunity to arrest. The outcome of the encounter between the famous hero and the other anonymous one is the climax of this trip into an unknown country, the border between the sublime and the picaresque, where Coracy has the opportunity to find the true meaning of heroism, before returning home to rescue his love at the very moment Eugenia's life is seriously threatened.

?Love and tempest is the fourth novel of Thales Guaracy, a successful journalist who I've known since the 1980s, when he was a talented and insolent young reporter. Years later, he still looks like himself. He is proposed to resurrect a turbulent period of history and succeeds. It's the talent. And he doesn't hesitate to put in the center of Brazilian history a grandfather who looks up the name with him. It is insolence - and it works.''
Ivan Martins, Época magazinee

''A romantic stroll through the history of Brazil.''
O Estado de S. Paulo

Edições (2)

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Love and Tempest
Ángel Rama: Literatura e Cultura na América Latina



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