Lost Boy

Lost Boy Ker Dukey


Lost Boy

When Willis Langford, the infamous serial killer, dubbed the Hollywell Slayer, enters Lizzy West’s life, he leaves blood and pain in his wake—kidnapping his son, her best friend, Jack, and killing those who try to stop him.

After witnessing unimaginable evil, the echoes of that day haunt Lizzy into adulthood.

Fifteen years later, Willis is still at large. When new bodies start to pop up with the infamous Hollywell Slayer’s signature written all over them, Lizzy’s life turns upside down.

Death now stalking her at every turn, Lizzy isn’t prepared for a ruggedly handsome mystery man, Clark entering her life, making her question everything she thought she knew. The intensity between them is palpable, but there’s something that isn’t adding up, and one thing Lizzy knows all too well, monsters don’t lie in wait. They hunt you out.

Life is a game of survival.
But who is the hunter and who is the prey?

Drama / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

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Lost Boy


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Lost Boy
on 14/11/20

4,5 estrelas Suspense romântico psicológico. Com essas 3 palavras LOST BOY entrou no meu radar. Também, porque era de uma das minhas autoras favoritas de Dark Romance. Este livro único de Ker Dukey é intenso, fará com que você formule um milhão de teorias e tornará impossível para você largá-lo, porque você só quer saber o que vem a seguir . LOST BOY é basicamente contado por um ponto de vista. (Exceto o prólogo). Portanto, só sabemos o que está acontecendo por meio de somente uma pe... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 3
ranking 33
ranking 33
ranking 33
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Pick a Book
cadastrou em:
14/11/2020 15:51:55
Pick a Book
editou em:
14/11/2020 15:53:23

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