Lord of Silver Ashes

Lord of Silver Ashes Kellen Graves


Lord of Silver Ashes (Rowan Blood #2)

Rowan Blood Volume Two

Silence. Restraint. Disgrace.
After two weeks in the attic of Danann House, Saffron anticipates the moment he can finally be reunited with Prince Cylvan--but that day is unexpectedly marred by a visit from Headmistress Elluin, who doesn't believe Saffron was the one to perform magic in Beantighe Village in the attempt to save Berry. Saffron will be expected to prove it; if he can't, every other human he loves will be arrested and executed for arid practice and conspiracy.
While slowly crushed beneath oppressive walls, rules, and oversight, Saffron must find glimmers of opportunity between hunts in the woods, maintaining the house he's tied to, desperation to be close to Cylvan, and uncovering any arid resource he can get his hands on. But as horrible truths surrounding Lord Taran come to light, Saffron struggles to find hope beneath the weight of his burdens.
However, Saffron knows secrets are kept for a reason. The more he uncovers, the more he understands. Whether it be Taran mac Delbaith or the cruel history of Morrígan Academy, perhaps exhuming centuries of buried blood is exactly what he needs to protect the people he loves most.

Fantasia / LGBT / GLS

Edições (1)

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Lord of Silver Ashes


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E tem mais coisa por ai
on 7/4/23

Nossa Eu demorei p engatar na leitura Fiquei muito confusa no começo, mas até aí tudo bem, eu que não lembrava do livro anterior. Achei esse bem mais enrolado, e ainda não consigo entender tudo isso com o Taran. Serio gente. Safron se matando e eu só ficava ??? Tudo deu errado nesse livro Mas eu adorei kkkkk Esperando o próximo p respostas de mais perguntas que surgiram. Como ficam o restante dos humanos na vila? O cão pestilento que simplesmente sumiu e ninguém foi atrás? A escola ... leia mais


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31/12/2022 15:11:27
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31/12/2022 15:12:37

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