The Hunchback of Notre Dame

The Hunchback of Notre Dame Victor Hugo

PDF - O Corcunda de Notre-Dame

One of the first great novels of the Romantic era, Victor Hugo’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame has thrilled generations of readers with its powerfully melodramatic story of Quasimodo, the deformed hunchback who lives in the bell tower of medieval Paris’s most famous cathedral.

Feared and hated by all, Quasimodo is looked after by Dom Claude Frollo, a stern, cold priest who ignores the poor hunchback in the face of his frequent public torture. But someone steps forward to help—the beautiful gypsy Esmeralda, whose single act of kindness fills Quasimodo with love. Can the hunchback save the lovely gypsy from Frollo’s evil plan, or will they all perish in the shadows of Notre Dame?

An epic tale of beauty and sadness, The Hunchback of Notre Dame portrays the sufferings of humanity with compassion and power.

Isabel Roche teaches French language and literature at Bennington College. She specializes in the nineteenth-century French novel.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

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Vídeos The Hunchback of Notre Dame (10)

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O corcunda de Notre-Dame, de Victor Hugo

O corcunda de Notre-Dame, de Victor Hugo



O Corcunda de Notre-Dame - Victor Hugo

O Corcunda de Notre-Dame - Victor Hugo

O que vc precisa saber p/ ler o Corcunda de Notre Dame de Victor Hugo

O que vc precisa saber p/ ler o Corcunda de Notre

Resenhas para The Hunchback of Notre Dame (716)

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O Corcundo de Notre Dame é um livro que me trouxe tristeza, raiva e revolta por conta de todas as tragédias narradas, além do final ser simplesmente sublime, porém também tem seus pontos negativos. Em alguns capítulos o livro parace ser uma carta de amor a Paris, o que me deixou um pouco incomodada, por me deu a impressão de que foi escrito para parisienses, apenas. Também, não entendi o propósito do foco no irmão de dom Claude, que não acescenta nada para a história, além do amor do d...
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