Jornada do Pavor

Jornada do Pavor Eric Ambler

PDF - Jornada do Pavor

[Wikipedia] Journey into Fear (1940) [a.k.a.] "Assassino a bordo?" e também "Viagem para o Medo" na tradução portuguesa de Manuela Santos para Edições 70 de Lisboa '-' Orson Welles adaptou o romance, auxíliado por Ben Hecht e Joseph Cotten (que interpreta Howard Graham, o engenheiro britânico no livro): 'Perseguido e alvo de assassinos em Istambul, Graham embarca em um navio para Gênova, tentando escapar com seu segredo -- um plano de armas para a Marinha Turca. Os nazistas, entretanto, tentam impedi-lo -- a qualquer custo! Apavorado, Graham anda pelo navio, sabendo que só um milagre poderá salvá-lo.'

The book came to be regarded as a classic among spy thrillers, setting out what became some of the genre's basic conventions and immensely influencing later works including the James Bond series.
(...) The first part of the novel focuses on Colonel Haki (Orson Welles) -- the dour but basically likable head of Turkish Security, who already made his first appearance in "The Mask of Dimitrios" and returns in later Ambler stories as a general. The protagonist is Graham (Joseph Cotten) -- a British engineer traveling back from Turkey, where he had completed high-level technical talks which could help cement a Turkish-British alliance in the recently started Second World War. German spies seek to assassinate him. Most of the plot takes place on board an Italian ship, where the protagonist travels in company with his nemesis - a German intellectual spymaster, accompanied by a Romanian hired killer - and with a rich cast of other characters, such as a Turkish secret agent, a Spanish courtesan and her pimp, and a French couple of which the husband is left-leaning and his wife is a staunch reactionary.

[About the Author]: Eric Ambler is often said to have invented the modern suspense novel. Beginning in 1936 (with "The Dark Frontier"), he wrote a series of novels that were touted for their realism, in which he introduced ordinary protagonists who are thrust into political intrigue they are ill prepared to deal with. In the process he paved the way for such writers as John Le Carre, Len Deighton, and Robert Ludlum. He was awarded four Gold Daggers and a Diamond Dagger from The Crime Writers Association, named a Grand Master by the Mystery Writers Association, and was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth. In addition to his novels, Ambler wrote a number of screenplays, including Rebecca, which he collaborated on with his wife, Joan Harrison. Eric Ambler died in 1998.

Jornada do Pavor

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Resenhas para Jornada do Pavor (1)

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RESUMO: O livro "jornada de pavor", que conta a história do engenheiro Graham, que está viajando a negócios de armas e munições durante a segunda guerra mundial, e quando já estava à voltar para seu país de origem, alemães contratam um assassino para matá-lo. Só que Graham sobrevive, mas é obrigado a mudar sua rota de viagem, sendo obrigado a voltar em um navio de baixa classe, onde passará por apuros até chegar em sua terra natal. Buldum: Um livro esplêndido, uma história su...
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