Gatos Alados

Gatos Alados Ursula K. Le Guin
Ursula K. Le Guin
Ursula K. Le Guin
Ursula K. Le Guin

PDF - Gatos Alados

As mães sempre querem o melhor para seus filhos. Dona Jane Tabby queria seus gatinhos longe daquele beco sujo e perigoso. E ainda mais perigoso para gatinhos tão diferentes. Asas! Misteriosamente, eles nasceram com asas. Mas, graças a elas, poderão voar para longe da cidade grande.
Assim começam as aventuras de Telma, Henriqueta, Jaime e Roger - quatro gatos alados tentando sobreviver aos mais variados perigos. |...| 'Catwings' is a children's book written by American author Ursula K. Le Guin, who is also known for her Earthsea fantasy novels and The Left Hand of Darkness (for which she received a Hugo Award), and illustrated by S. D. Schindler. It is written for children aged 7 to 10. It was followed by three sequels, making up a series known as The Catwings Collection. Set in the present day, Catwings follows four cats, the winged children of Mrs. Jane Tabby. While they were born in the city, Thelma, Roger, James and Harriet are urged by their mother to leave a bad neighborhood that was getting worse. As soon as the kittens are able to fly, they leave the city and their mother who has no wish to leave herself. The book follows the four catwings as they try to make a home in the country where they find life is just as hard as it is in the city.

Gatos Alados

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