Caçadores do Tempo

Caçadores do Tempo Jerry Ahern...

PDF - Caçadores do Tempo

The Takers (Volume #1) -- Das entranhas do passado, um segredo alucinante: Atlântida, a lendária ilha-continente rememorada por Platão em diálogos e escritos do século IV a. C. -- existiu mesmo? Será verdade que os seres extraterrestres visitam a terra em seus OVNIs, desde a Antiguidade? São mistérios que atiçam a curiosidade humana. E a cobiça... Josh Culhane e Mary Françes Mulrooney, um audacioso casal de escritores, arriscam suas vidas através da metade do globo, para responder a essas perguntas. E para impedir que o satânico Steiglitz e sua linda e psicopata filha Sônia, arrebatem um poder tão grande, capaz de torna-los senhores do mundo!

The Takers (1984) by Jerry Ahern & Sharon Ahern -- Compelling action in the spirit of "INDIANA JONES - RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK". The Pressure Builds... Josh Culhane, two-fisted adventurer who'll go anywhere, do anything, teams up with the sexy scholar Mary Mulrooney in a breathtaking pursuit of the satanic Steiglitz and his slinky, psychotic daughter. The boldhearted couple races to grab a power so great that world leaders would risk death to get it. Culhane and Mulrooney battle halfway across the globe, through all the labyrinths of human history and myth, to a last stand beneath the Antarctic ice cap, where they find an ancient starbase whose builders had never gotten home!

[About the Authors] Originally born in Chicago a long time ago, Sharon Ahern met her future husband and co-writer, Jerry Ahern, on the very first day of High School, and they became friends for life. They eventually married and had two wonderful kids, Jason and Samantha, and five beautiful grandchildren. Sharon began her writing career in the public relations department of Illinois Bell Telephone and stringing for a local newspaper. Always an avid researcher—Sharon was always eager to do book reports and term papers—she was happy to pull out the Britannica and become an instant expert on whatever information Jerry needed for a story, whether a particular time in history or facts concerning a far away place. Now the musty volumes have been replaced with the internet. She has interviewed people on a wide range of topics such as Voodoo practices and biker gangs. Sharon is also a professional photographer, her works having been published in magazines throughout the world. When not working with Jerry, Sharon enjoys reading, antiquing, and gardening in the long Georgia summers, where they have resided for over thirty years.

Caçadores do Tempo

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