Batman - O Cavaleiro das Trevas #12 (Os Novos 52)

Batman - O Cavaleiro das Trevas #12 (Os Novos 52) Gregg Hurwitz...

PDF - O Cavaleiro das Trevas #12 (Os Novos 52)

Now, Jonathan Crane is the Scarecrow, and he has captured, finally, the Batman. The Batman will become his guinea pig for explorations in fear. He readily admits that his kidnapping of Commissioner Gordon was merely bait for getting the bat to come to him. With his prey already dosed heavily with fear toxin, Scarecrow holds up a mirror, urging the Batman to recollect his past, despite the fact that the past is familiar territory. He promises that this experiment will be more than a simple retread. In any case, he doesn't care what Batman sees; only how it makes him feel.

Batman - O Cavaleiro das Trevas #12 (Os Novos 52)

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