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Isaac Asimov

3548311261 | Ullstein Taschenbuch Verlag |

Aurora : Beyond Equality (Amazing Tales of the Ultimate Sexual Revolution

Aurora : Beyond Equality (Amazing Tales of the Ultimate Sexual Revolution
Edited by Vonda N. McIntyre and Susan Janice AndersonVonda N. McIntyre, Susan Janice Anderson, Raccoona Sheldon, James Tiptree, Jr., ...........................
Ano:1976 / Páginas:222
0449135152 | Fawcett |

The Best Science Fiction of the Year

The Best Science Fiction of the Year#11
Terry Carr (Editor)Terry Carr (Editor), Poul Anderson, Downey Broxon, Ted Reynolds, John Varley, ..........................................
Ano:1982 / Páginas:438
0671444832 | Pocket Books |

100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories

100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories
Martin Harry Greenberg, Isaac Asimov, Joseph D. Olander, Alfred Bester, Ambrose Bierce, ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
Ano:1980 / Páginas:302
9780330261555 | Pan Books | 5 leitores

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