The Burn of the Underworld

The Burn of the Underworld Meg Xuemei X


The Burn of the Underworld (Of Shadows and Fire #1)

"What's happening to me?" I breathed out as I shivered in want.

"You're going into heat," Elijah whispered, his eyes shining liquid blue, his face twisting with restraint. "The mating call is in my blood, too. My control is slipping."

His words didn't make sense, but it no longer mattered. Lust burned through me like wildfire. In its wake, nothing could survive, except my savage need for this archangel.

I must take him raw and hard until he couldn't take it, and then I'd still have him, marking him as mine over and over. He'd beg and scream, but I still wouldn't stop...

Escaping hell is nothing compared to the mating fever. One just feels a lot better.

My name is Calamity.

My past is dust and my future is a life to fight to the death in hell. I never expected this to change, but then three smoking-hot warriors--a primordial vampire, a fae prince, and a Sváva archangel--arrive in my wrecked world, claiming I'm the lost queen and their fated mate.

They come to return me to the great Atlantis to claim my stolen birthright, despite the fact that no one has ever escaped the Underworld.

I don't trust anyone, but I can't deny the terrifying power awakening inside me any more than I can deny my fatal attraction to the immortal males who fight with me.

Warning: This is a full-length reverse harem fantasy romance that features one hell of a hybrid woman warrior and her four powerful mates. It contains battles, explicit love scenes, curses, magic, dark fae, vampires, shifters, fallen angels, and a lot of demon assholes.

Ficção / Romance

Edições (2)

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The Burn of the Underworld


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Resenhas para The Burn of the Underworld (7)

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on 19/7/21

Eu amei o primeiro livro, acabou me envolvendo a história. Ayanna é temperamental, forte, poderosa cabeça dura, meio birrenta em alguns momentos e companheira de 4 machos alfas lindos. Max o vampiro que por sinal é o mais sensato de todos. Gostei dele. Elijah anjo que a princípio fez uma grande impressão, só que a autora resolveu apagar ele por tanto tempo que achei que não apareceria mais. Ash um fae lindo, guerreiro, apaixonado por sua companheira, porém não conhece a hora de calar ... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.4 / 76
ranking 14
ranking 39
ranking 29
ranking 14
ranking 4



Tuty Gomes
cadastrou em:
31/08/2019 18:31:23
editou em:
16/04/2021 21:36:03

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