The Lost Duke of Wyndham

The Lost Duke of Wyndham Julia Quinn


The Lost Duke of Wyndham (Two Dukes of Wyndham #1)

O Duque de Wyndham

Will the real Duke of Wyndham please stand up?

Jack Audley has been a highwayman. A soldier. And he has always been a rogue. What he is not, and never wanted to be, is a peer of the realm, responsible for an ancient heritage and the livelihood of hundreds. But when he is recognized as the long-lost son of the House of Wyndham, his carefree life is over. And if his birth proves to be legitimate, then he will find himself with the one title he never wanted: Duke of Wyndham.

Grace Eversleigh has spent the last five years toiling as the companion to the dowager Duchess of Wyndham. It is a thankless job, with very little break from the routine... until Jack Audley lands in her life, all rakish smiles and debonair charm. He is not a man who takes no for an answer, and when she is in his arms, she's not a woman who wants to say no. But if he is the true duke, then he is the one man she can never have...

Romance / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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The Lost Duke of Wyndham
The Lost Duke of Wyndham


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Resenhas para The Lost Duke of Wyndham (35)

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O Duque de Wyndham
on 24/9/21

Grace é dama de companhia de Lady Augusta Cavendish, a duquesa viúva, desde que seus pais morreram e ela ficou sozinha no mundo. A duquesa é uma mulher fria e difícil de conviver mas Grace tem muita gratidão por ela. Em uma noite, quando voltavam para casa depois de um baile, a carruagem em que elas estavam é assaltada e Grace fica chocada ao perceber o comportamento nada convencional que a duquesa viúva tem ao encarar o rosto do bandido. Tomas foi criado para ser Duque de Wyndham. Seu... leia mais


Avaliações 3.9 / 393
ranking 31
ranking 38
ranking 28
ranking 4
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
21/04/2013 15:27:27
editou em:
12/10/2018 13:24:17

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