The Perfect First

The Perfect First Maya Hughes


The Perfect First (Fulton U #1)

"How long do you last in bed?" Those were her first words to me, swiftly followed up with, "And how big would you say you are?"

Cue the record scratching, what?!

Persephone Alexander. Math genius. Lover of blazers. The only girl I know who can make Heidi braids look sexy as hell. And she's on a mission. Lose her virginity by the end of the semester.

I walked in on her interview session for potential candidates (who even does that?) and saw straight through her brave front. She's got a list of Firsts to accomplish like she's only got months to live. I've decided to be her guide for all her firsts except one. Someone's got to keep her out of trouble. I have one rule, no sex. We even shook on it.

I'll help her find the right guy for the job. Someone like her doesn't need someone like me and my massive...baggage for her first time.

Drinking at a bar. Check.

Partying all night. Double check.

Skinny dipping. Triple check.

She's unlike anyone I've ever met. The walls I'd put up around my heart are slowly crumbling with each touch that sets fire to my soul.

I'm the first to bend the rules. One electrifying kiss changes everything and suddenly I don't want to be her first, I want to be her only. But her plan was written before I came onto the scene and now I'm determined to get her to re-write her future with me. (Amazon)


Edições (2)

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The Perfect First
The Perfect First


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The Perfect First - Fulton U #1
on 12/3/20

#DicadeLeitura The Perfect First- Fulton U #1 - Maya Hughes Seph, é uma garota super dotada, gênio da matemática, aos 18 anos já está em vias de fazer doutorado. Reece, aos 21 anos é atleta veterano do futebol americano universitário da Fulton U, em seu último ano na universidade e em vias de ser escolhido no draft do futebol profissional. Seph teve uma educação rígida, educada em casa, não tem amigos, com prazo de 6 meses na Fulton U, ela resolver vi... leia mais


Avaliações 3.7 / 3.230
ranking 24
ranking 44
ranking 26
ranking 5
ranking 1



Anne Magno
cadastrou em:
06/08/2019 22:38:28
editou em:
17/10/2019 23:23:24

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