The Flatshare

The Flatshare Beth O'Leary


The Flatshare

A Novel

What if your roommate is your soul mate? A joyful, quirky romantic comedy, Beth O'Leary's The Flatshare is a feel-good novel about finding love in the most unexpected of ways.

Tiffy and Leon share an apartment. Tiffy and Leon have never met.

After a bad breakup, Tiffy Moore needs a place to live. Fast. And cheap. But the apartments in her budget have her wondering if astonishingly colored mold on the walls counts as art.

Desperation makes her open minded, so she answers an ad for a flatshare. Leon, a night shift worker, will take the apartment during the day, and Tiffy can have it nights and weekends. He’ll only ever be there when she’s at the office. In fact, they’ll never even have to meet.

Tiffy and Leon start writing each other notes – first about what day is garbage day, and politely establishing what leftovers are up for grabs, and the evergreen question of whether the toilet seat should stay up or down. Even though they are opposites, they soon become friends. And then maybe more.

But falling in love with your roommate is probably a terrible idea…especially if you've never met.

Romance / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (5)

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Teto Para Dois
Teto para dois
Teto Para Dois
The Flatshare


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Resenhas para The Flatshare (19.346)

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Resenha de Teto para Dois
on 31/1/21

Quando Tiffany finalmente decide se mudar do apartamento de seu ex-namorado, precisa urgentemente encontrar uma nova morada com um custo barato. Nesse contexto, ao descobrir uma proposta de dividir a casa com outro locador, Leon, na qual os dois ficariam no apartamento em horários diferentes, sem nunca se ver, a personagem aceita o desafio. Dessa forma, os protagonistas passam a se conhecer e comunicar por meio de post-its pela residência, enquanto lidam com seus dilemas cotidianos e f... leia mais

Vídeos The Flatshare (41)

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Escolha da Próxima Leitura *9 #As3Artes #esco

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Teto para Dois, Beth O'Leary

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Avaliações 4.2 / 109.455
ranking 54
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cadastrou em:
12/09/2022 14:04:39
editou em:
13/09/2022 21:55:22