The Best Laid Plans

The Best Laid Plans Cameron Lund


The Best Laid Plans

Eighteen-year-old Keely Collins is determined to change her status as the last virgin standing in this sweet, hilarious rom-com for fans of Meg Cabot and Jenny Han.

It seemed like a good plan at first.

When the only other virgin in her group of friends loses it at Keely's own eighteenth birthday party, she knows it's time for drastic measures. If she's going to avoid heading to college without any experience of her own, she needs to find the guy, and fast.

Problem is, she's known all the boys in her small high school forever, and it's kinda hard to be into a guy when you watched him eat crayons in kindergarten. So she can't believe her luck when she meets a ridiculously hot new guy named Dean. Not only does he look like he's fallen out of a classic movie poster, but he drives a motorcycle, flirts with ease, and might actually be into her.

But Dean's already in college, and Keely is convinced he'll drop her if he finds out how inexperienced she is. That's when she talks herself into a new plan: her lifelong best friend, Andrew, would never hurt or betray her, and he's clearly been with enough girls that he can show her the ropes before she goes all the way with Dean.

Of course, the plan only works if Andrew and Keely stay friends--just friends--so things are about to get complicated.

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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The Best Laid Plans


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Resenhas para The Best Laid Plans (4)

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on 1/6/22

Tem algo? algo no fato de você ficar com o seu melhor amigo que me encanta de verdade Como você saber que ele vai estar ali pra vc, no matter what A FALTA DE COMUNICAÇÃO, BRASIL! Socorro! Fazia mto tempo q eu não passava tanto nervoso com um livro? maravilhoso!... leia mais


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