Clap When You Land

Clap When You Land Elizabeth Acevedo


Clap When You Land

Camino Rios lives for the summers when her father visits her in the Dominican Republic. But this time, on the day when his plane is supposed to land, Camino arrives at the airport to see crowds of crying people...

In New York City, Yahaira Rios is called to the principal's office, where her mother is waiting to tell her that her father, her hero, has died in a plane crash.

Separated by distance - and Papi's secrets - the two girls are forced to face a new reality in which their father is dead and their lives are forever altered. And then, when it seems like they've lost everything of their father, they learn of each other.

Papi's death uncovers all the painful truths he kept hidden, and the love he divided across an ocean. And now, Camino and Yahaira are both left to grapple with what this new sister means to them, and what it will now take to keep their dreams alive.

In a dual narrative novel in verse that brims with both grief and love, award-winning and bestselling author Elizabeth Acevedo writes about the devastation of loss, the difficulty of forgiveness, and the bittersweet bonds that shape our lives.

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Infantojuvenil / Romance

Edições (2)

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Clap When You Land
Clap When You Land


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Livro maravilhoso <3
on 3/6/20

Livro da mesma autora de Poeta X e como sempre, ela entrega um livro que você sai dele com esperança de viver a vida com um sorriso no rosto e agradecendo por todas as coisas que já te aconteceram, sendo elas boas ou ruins A história em o seu ponta pé em novembro de 2001, quando o avião AA587 caiu no caminho para Santo Domingo, matando 265 pessoas. Nesse avião, 90% dos passageiros eram Dominicanos ou descendentes de Dominicanos. Esse marco foi uma tragédia horrível para a comunidade... leia mais


Avaliações 4.1 / 295
ranking 43
ranking 40
ranking 14
ranking 3
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
10/05/2019 12:30:27
editou em:
03/08/2020 00:32:12

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