My Name is Memory

My Name is Memory Ann Brashares


My Name is Memory

"Daniel has spent centuries falling in love with the same girl. Life after life, crossing continents and dynasties, he and Sophia (despite her changing name and form) have been drawn together-and he remembers it all. Daniel has "the memory", the ability to recall past lives and recognize souls of those he's previously known. It is a gift and a curse. For all the times that he and Sophia have been drawn together throughout history, they have also been torn painfully, fatally, apart. A love always too short.

Interwoven through Sophia and Daniel's unfolding present day relationship are glimpses of their expansive history together. From 552 Asia Minor to 1918 England and 1972 Virginia, the two souls share a long and sometimes torturous path of seeking each other time and time again. But just when young Sophia (now "Lucy" in the present) finally begins to awaken to the secret of their shared past, to understand the true reason for the strength of their attraction, the mysterious force that has always torn them apart reappears. Ultimately, they must come to understand what stands in the way of their love if they are ever to spend a lifetime together.

A magical, suspenseful, heartbreaking story of true love, My Name is Memory proves the power and endurance of a union that was meant to be."

My Name is Memory - Ann Brashares

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My Name Is Memory
My Name is Memory
My Name is Memory


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Minha Vida por um Livro |
on 6/1/11

Recentemente o tema reencarnação tem sido utilizado como enredo central de muitos livros do gênero YA. Posso citar alguns exemplos como a série Fallen e a obra The Eternal Ones lançada nos Estados Unidos em 2010. Como já afirmei anteriormente, sou grande pesquisadora do assunto e a tenho grande afinidade com o Espiritismo, portanto de minha parte jamais haverá preconceito em relação ao assunto. A escritora Ann Brashares já possui grande credibilidade no universo dos livros para jovens... leia mais

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My Name is Memory

My Name is Memory


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cadastrou em:
01/06/2011 18:43:24

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