After the Game

After the Game Abbi Glines


After the Game (The Field Party #3)

The third book in the #1 New York Times bestselling Field Party series—a southern soap opera with football, cute boys, and pick-up trucks—from USA TODAY bestselling author Abbi Glines.

Two years ago, Riley Young fled from Lawton, Alabama. After accusing the oldest Lawton son, Rhett, of rape, everyone called her a liar and she had no option but to leave. Now she’s back, but she’s not at Lawton High finishing up her senior year. She’s at home raising the little girl that no one believed was Rhett’s.

Rhett is off at college living the life he was afraid he’d lose with Riley’s accusation, so Riley agrees to move back to Lawton so she and her parents could take care of her grandmother, who is suffering from Alzheimer’s. But the town still hasn’t forgotten their hate for her, and she hasn’t forgotten the way they turned on her when she needed them most.

When town golden boy Brady Higgens finds Riley and her daughter, Bryony, stranded on the side of the road in a storm, he pulls over and gives them a ride. Not because he cares about Riley, of course, but because of the kid.

But after the simple car ride, he begins to question everything he thought he knew. Could Brady believe Riley and risk losing everything?

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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After the Game


(6) ver mais
Under the Lights
Until Friday Night
Losing the Field
Making a Play

Resenhas para After the Game (11)

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on 2/12/20

Riley acaba de retornar a cidade, onde todo mundo a odeia, por ela ter acusado o queridinho da cidade de estupro. Riley retorna porque precisa cuidar da sua avó que está doente e retorna trazendo sua filha. Brady é o queridinho da escola, por ser o jogador de futebol do colégio; e quando ele vê a Riley de volta com a cidade e com um bêbê, ele começa a se questionar se no passado ele ficou do lado errado, e se Riley realmente falou a verdade e tenta se aproximar dela e se desculpar. Ril... leia mais


Avaliações 3.8 / 368
ranking 30
ranking 42
ranking 24
ranking 3
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
30/09/2016 12:37:20
Nina Barb
editou em:
20/08/2019 21:09:39

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