Sundays At Tiffany

Sundays At Tiffany's James Patterson
Gabrielle Charbonnet


Sundays At Tiffany's

Jane was a sweet, funny, chubby seven-year-old, desperately seeking love from her self-obsessed mother, Vivienne, and a father who was wrapped up in a new life with his beautiful young girlfriend. Jane's only friend was handsome, funny, thirty-something Michael. Michael was different; no one else could see him, nor did they believe he existed beyond the realms of Jane's very creative imagination. They would talk from morning until night. As Jane grew older though, the time came for Michael to leave Jane's side. Jane couldn't forget him though. Over twenty years since Michael said goodbye, Jane catches a glimpse of that unforgotten face, her heart pounding, she can't believe it is true - could it really be Michael? This time though Michael isn't just a figment of her imagination. But will the path of true love be a smooth one? And will Jane get her happy ever after? Sundays at Tiffany's is a heart-warming romance about a girl who until now has lived her life on the sidelines, about what it feels like to fall in love, a tale of soulmates.

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Sundays At Tiffany
Sundays At Tiffany
Sundays At Tiffany
Sundays At Tiffany


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on 28/12/11

Misture crianças, amigos imaginários, anjos e amor abençoado por deus e você, teoricamente, tem a receita certa para um best-seller... embora isso não queira dizer que você escreveu algo bom. Sundays At Tiffany's trata sobre carência, adulta e infantil, e ainda brinca com a noção inglesa do "wish really hard" - quando você quer muito algo, ele surge magicamente ou milagrosamente para você. Basicamente, a protagonista, uma mulher carente e apaixonada por um amigo imaginário de in... leia mais


Avaliações 4.0 / 62
ranking 40
ranking 26
ranking 32
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ranking 2



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24/02/2012 22:45:55

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