Sundays At Tiffany

Sundays At Tiffany's James Patterson
Gabrielle Charbonnet


Sundays At Tiffany's

Jane Margaux is a lonely little girl. Her mother, the powerful head of a New York theater company, makes time for her only once a week, for their Sunday trip to admire jewelry at Tiffany's. Jane has only one friend: a handsome, comforting, funny man named Michael. He's perfect. But only she can see him. Michael can't stay forever, though. On Jane's eighth birthday he leaves, promising that she'll forget him soon. He was there to help her until she was old enough to manage on her own, and now there are other children who need his help.

Years later, in her thirties, Jane is just as alone as she was as a child. And despite her own success as a playwright, she is even more trapped by her overbearing mother. Then she meets Michael again--as handsome, smart and perfect as she remembers him to be. But not even Michael knows the reason they've really been reunited.

Edições (4)

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Sundays At Tiffany
Sundays At Tiffany
Sundays At Tiffany
Sundays At Tiffany


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on 28/12/11

Misture crianças, amigos imaginários, anjos e amor abençoado por deus e você, teoricamente, tem a receita certa para um best-seller... embora isso não queira dizer que você escreveu algo bom. Sundays At Tiffany's trata sobre carência, adulta e infantil, e ainda brinca com a noção inglesa do "wish really hard" - quando você quer muito algo, ele surge magicamente ou milagrosamente para você. Basicamente, a protagonista, uma mulher carente e apaixonada por um amigo imaginário de in... leia mais


Avaliações 4.0 / 62
ranking 40
ranking 26
ranking 32
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ranking 2



Gabi C.
cadastrou em:
25/02/2010 00:32:50

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