Three Weeks with My Brother

Three Weeks with My Brother Nicholas Sparks


Three Weeks with My Brother

The day the brochure came was a typical one. With a wife and five small children, a hectic schedule, and a new book due to his publishers, Nicholas Sparks was busy with his usual routine. The colorful mailer, however, described something very different: a tour to some of the most exotic places on Earth. Slowly, an idea took hold in Nicholas's mind and heart. In January 2003, Nicholas Sparks and his brother, Micah, set off on a three-week trip around the globe. It was to mark a milestone in their lives, for at thirty-seven and thirty-eight respectively, they were now the only surviving members of their family. And as they voyaged to the lost city of Machu Picchu high in the Andes. . . to mysterious Easter Island. . . to Ayers Rock in the Australian outback. . . and across the vast Indian subcontinent, the ultimate story of their lives would unfold. Against the backdrop of the wonders of the world and often overtaken by their feelings, daredevil Micah and the more serious, introspective Nicholas recalled their rambunctious childhood adventures and the tragedies that tested their faith. And in the process, they discovered startling truths about loss, love and hope. Narrated with irrepressible humor and rare candor, and including personal photographs, Three Weeks with my Brother reminds us to embrace life with all its uncertainties. . . and most of all, to cherish the joyful times, both small and momentous, and the wonderful people who make them possible.

Drama / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Three Weeks with My Brother


Resenhas para Three Weeks with My Brother (2)

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on 19/12/09

Nesse livro vi o quanto o autor coloca a sua vida em seus livros, a vida dura que ele teve, no periodo de dez anos, ele se casou, perdeu a mae, em seguida enfrentou o cancer da irma, uma doença desconhecda do filho, perdeu o pai, ganhou seu primeiro milhao, escreveu tres livros e fez uma volta ao mundo.... leia mais


Avaliações 3.8 / 11
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ranking 9



Angel's Roses
cadastrou em:
17/11/2009 19:59:43
editou em:
10/10/2021 18:00:13

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