Creative Schools

Creative Schools Ken Robinson...


Creative Schools

Revolutionizing Education from the Ground Up

Ken Robinson is one of the world's most influential voices in education. His talk, 'How Schools Kill Creativity', is the most viewed in the history of TED and has been seen by millions of people all over the world. In Creative Schools he sets out his practical vision for how education can be transformed to enable all young people to flourish and succeed in the 21st century.

In this inspiring, empowering book, Robinson argues for an end to the outmoded, industrial systems of mass schooling and proposes a highly personalized, organic approach that draws on today's unprecedented technological and professional resources to engage all students and develop their individual abilities and love of learning.

Written with Robinson's trademark wit and engaging style, and filled with practical examples, anecdotes and groundbreaking research, Creative Schools highlights the people and projects that are already revolutionizing education through innovative approaches to teaching, learning and school culture. This book will inspire teachers, parents, and policymakers alike to be part of the change our children urgently need.

'One of those rare books that not only inspires and brings a new sense of possibility to the goal of transforming education, but also lays out an actionable strategy . . . This is a global game-changer and I'm in.' Brené Brown, Ph.D., author of Daring Greatly

'Wonderful and enjoyable.' Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Prize Laureate

'A comprehensive and compelling statement of why creativity matters for everyone, what it looks like in action, and how to get there. Inspiring and so readable you will feel Sir Ken is talking directly to you.' Andy Hargreaves, author of Professional Capital

Sir Ken Robinson, PhD, is an internationally recognized leader in the development of creativity, innovation, and human potential. He advises governments, corporations, education systems, and some of the world's leading cultural organizations. The videos of his famous 2006 and 2010 talks to the prestigious TED Conference have been seen by an estimated 200 million people in over 150 countries.

Lou Aronica is the author of two novels and coauthor of several works of nonfiction, including The Culture Code (with Clotaire Rapaille), The Element and Finding Your Element


Edições (2)

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Creative Schools
Creative Schools


Resenhas para Creative Schools (2)

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on 27/12/18

Há um grande consenso entre educadores, e na sociedade na forma geral, que o modelo que o sistema educacional funciona atualmente está atrasado, defasado, inadequado e insuficiente para o mundo que vivemos hoje e para o que nos espera pela frente. Não é difícil chegar a esta contestação, e eu, como educador, acabo por conviver com ela diariamente. Muito se fala no que será o futuro da educação. Entende-se que a adoção de tecnologias terá grande impacto em todos os níveis educacionai... leia mais


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