The Boston Girl

The Boston Girl Anita Diamant


The Boston Girl

Anita Diamant follows the life of one woman, Addie Baum, through a period of dramatic change. Addie is The Boston Girl, the spirited daughter of an immigrant Jewish family, born in 1900 to parents who were unprepared for America and its effect on their three daughters. Growing up in the North End of Boston, then a teeming multicultural neighborhood, Addie’s intelligence and curiosity take her to a world her parents can’t imagine—a world of short skirts, movies, celebrity culture, and new opportunities for women. Addie wants to finish high school and dreams of going to college. She wants a career and to find true love. From the one-room tenement apartment she shared with her parents and two sisters, to the library group for girls she joins at a neighborhood settlement house, to her first, disastrous love affair, to finding the love of her life, eighty-five-year-old Addie recounts her adventures with humor and compassion for the naïve girl she once was.

Written with the same attention to historical detail and emotional resonance that made Diamant’s previous novels bestsellers, The Boston Girl is a moving portrait of one woman’s complicated life in twentieth century America, and a fascinating look at a generation of women finding their places in a changing world.

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The Boston Girl


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A garota de Boston

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The Boston Girl
on 7/5/20

The book is about Addie Baum's life. When her granddaughter asks her how she came to be the woman she is today, Addie tells about the library group, friends, crushs, family, your complicated relationship with her mother, employment ... the writer tell us all her life with a delicated way. Simple, but its a beautiful history! I really liked Addie. ''Knowing Miss Chevalier meant that I was somehow connected to important goings-on in the city. It made me feel like a real Boston girl.''... leia mais


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01/01/2016 18:39:52

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