The Silmarillion

The Silmarillion J. R. R. Tolkien


The Silmarillion

Illustrated by Ted Nasmith

J R R Tolkien’s SILMARILLION is the core work of the Middle-earth canon. It is in this complex and often neglected masterpiece that the entire cosmology for the background for THE HOBBIT and, particularly, THE LORD OF THE RINGS is documented.

This new paperback volume contains fabulous tales of heroes and monsters, and the history of the Silmarils – the magical jewels produced by Feanor, most gifted Lord of the Elves; it tells of the creation of Middle-earth, and the coming of Men into the world; it chronicles the early epic battles between good and evil, forces of light and dark, which foreshadow the great conflict with Sauron, the Dark Lord, in THE LORD OF THE RINGS.

These tales of Middle-earth were published posthumously in 1977. Tolkien worked on THE SILMARILLION all his life – long before THE HOBBIT or LORD OF THE RINGS – and his son and literary executor Christopher Tolkien edited the material he left behind into its current form.

Complete with a series of full-colour paintings by acclaimed Tolkien artist Ted Nasmith, this sumptuous new edition allows the stories within to really come alive - from the creation of the world and the Tale of Beren and Luthien to the Fall of Numenor and the End of the First Age.


‘How, given little over half a century of work, did one man become the creative equivalent of a people?’ The Guardian

‘Demanding to be compared with English mythologies… at times rises to the greatness of true myth’ Financial Times

‘A creation myth of singular beauty… magnificent in its best moments’ Washington Post

Ficção / Fantasia / Aventura / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (13)

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The Silmarillion
The Silmarillion
The Silmarillion
The Silmarillion


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Canon da Terra Média
on 26/5/23

Eu acho que quase todo mundo sabe que o Silmarillion tem um tom diferente dos outros livros do Tolkien. Ele é um verdadeiro mito de criação do universo, e é escrito para ser exatamente isso mesmo, então entendo que não é todo mundo que realmente vai se divertir com a leitura. Mas aí, correndo o risco de soar meio pedante, eu preciso admitir que é o meu livro preferido do Tolkien. Eu simplesmente amo esse universo, amo a linguagem que foi usada para criar tudo isso, amo as analogias,... leia mais


Avaliações 4.4 / 267
ranking 64
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17/11/2010 20:51:40

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