Beautiful Burn

Beautiful Burn Jamie McGuire


Beautiful Burn ( Maddox Brothers #4)

"Tyler Maddox will steal your heart -- and I promise you'll want to let him keep it."
-- Kami Garcia, #1 New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling coauthor of the Beautiful Creatures novels and author of The Lovely Reckless

Beautiful Burn is a New York Times and USA Today Bestseller!

Fresh out of college, Ellison Edson has fallen through the cracks of rock bottom. While staying in her familys vacation home in Colorado, her behavior has finally gained the attention of her parentsbut not in the way she hoped. Cut off from the millions shes always taken for granted, and left alone to fend for herself, Ellie spirals further out of control, making a mistake she cant take back.

Like his twin brother Taylor, Tyler Maddox is a member of the Alpine Hotshots, fighting wildland fires on the frontline. As arrogant as he is charming, Tylers nomadic lifestyle makes it easy to contain his relationships to one night. When he meets Ellie at a local party during off-season, her extreme personality and dismissive attitude fascinates him at first, but as his feelings deepen, Tyler realizes that the crippling inner demons of the woman he loves might be the strongest enemy any Maddox has ever faced.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (3)

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Beautiful Burn
Beautiful Burn
Bela Chama


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on 20/7/21

?Bela Chama? é aquele livro que você não consegue desgrudar até chegar à última palavra, que te faz dormir tarde, ficar pensando na história em todos os momentos e ficar se perguntando o que irá acontecer. A Ellie acho que é uma das protagonistas mais problemáticas que já li sobre, mais autodestrutiva e fodid*, por mais que tenha absolutamente tudo ao seu alcance, e o Tyler é o típico Maddox, esquentadinho, adora um desafio, se mete em brigas, e quando se apaixona, é para sempre. Os do... leia mais


Avaliações 4.1 / 4.183
ranking 46
ranking 32
ranking 17
ranking 4
ranking 1



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