A Pillar of Iron

A Pillar of Iron Taylor Caldwell


A Pillar of Iron

A Novel of Ancient Rome

A magnificent novel of ancient Rome and the tragic life of Cicero, who tried in vain to save the republic he loved from tyranny.

In this riveting tale, the Roman Empire in its final glory is seen through the eyes of philosopher, orator, and political theorist Marcus Tullius Cicero.

From his birth in 106 BC in the hill town of Arpinum, Cicero, the educated son of a wealthy member of the equestrian order, is destined for greatness. At a young age, he discovers the legend of the Unknown God, the coming Messiah, and it propels him on a journey of spiritual conflict and self-discovery that takes the rising young lawyer from his tumultuous family life to his tenuous alliance with Julius Caesar to a fateful love affair with the Roman empress Livia and, finally, to the political role that will make him a target of powerful enemies—and secure his legacy as one the greatest influences on Western civilization.

Based on hundreds of speeches, voluminous private correspondence, and ancient texts and manuscripts, this bestselling epic brings into focus Cicero’s complicated relationships with his contemporaries, including Caesar, Mark Antony, and Crassus, and brilliantly captures the pageantry, turmoil, and intrigue of life in ancient Rome. According to legendary editor Maxwell Perkins, author “Taylor Caldwell is a storyteller first, last and foremost, and once you begin reading one of her books, you can’t help finishing it.”

Ficção / História

Edições (4)

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on 2/1/13

Tenho que confessar que esse livro é de uma riqueza impar. A autora teve o trabalho de buscar em textos originais muitas passagens do livro. A vida de Marco Túlio Cícero foi descrita com uma perfeição sem igual. A história de Roma, aquela que aprendemos na escola, é bem desatualizada em relação ao livro. Na escola, nos é mostrada superficialmente Cícero, Pompeu, Catilina, Crasso e César. Mas no livro, você vive a história. Eu como sou aficcionada em História, simplesmente amei o li... leia mais


Avaliações 4.5 / 154
ranking 64
ranking 24
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02/04/2019 23:18:50

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