A Little Princess

A Little Princess Frances Hodgson Burnett


A Little Princess

Seven-year-por Sara Crewe ver ir all-fancy clothes from India, an immaculate room, and an ability to tell incredible stories-and she quickly becomes the most adored and envied student se Miss Minchin's Select Seminary School. Her classmates thinks of her as a princess, and Sara would be happier only if her loving father were not so far away.
But quem great tragedy strikes, Sara's world os suddenly and cruelly turned on its head. Begrudged by Miss Minchin from the start, Sara becomes trapped under the wrath of her resentful teacher, and must estou on a boundless imagination to escape the reality of the wretched living conditions she shares with the sculley maid, Becky. Accustomed do helping despertar and loney souls, Sara os unaccustomed to needing falo herself, and in her extreme situation she can only find new ways to give. The fanciful world Sara lives um becomes more and more real and her need for a true fary tale increasingly great.
Um Sara Crewe, Frances Hodgson Burnett has creat one of the most memorable and admirable characters in children's literature. Guia bittersweet classic pays tribute to the power of compassion, wisdom, and an indomitable imagination.

Infantil / Ficção / Infantojuvenil / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (30)

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on 4/8/20

Uma pena que não tive a oportunidade de ler quando criança mas ainda bem que pude ler agora! Uma história linda e tocante do começo ao fim! Sarah é uma menina incrível, um livro pra dar um quentinho no coração te fazer rir e emocionar. Pessoas com inglês intermediário conseguem ler sem dificuldades. :) Um clássico que com certeza lerei várias outras vezes!... leia mais


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