All I Ever Need Is You

All I Ever Need Is You Bella Andre


All I Ever Need Is You (The Sullivans #14)

Seattle architect Adam Sullivan is well known for his brilliant historic building restorations—and for having absolutely no interest in love and marriage. He’s happy for his siblings and cousins who have found true love, but though they’re clearly hellbent on seeing him settled, his family is just going to have to accept that Cupid’s arrow will be skipping this Sullivan. That is, until he meets Kerry Dromoland…and suddenly Adam starts to question everything he once believed to be true about falling in love.

As one of the top wedding planners in Seattle, Kerry has been waiting her whole life to find her own true love. So even though Adam makes her heart race and her body heat up every time they’re together, she knows better than to think he could be “the one.” Still, knowing he’s Seattle’s biggest player doesn’t make it any easier to resist his breathtaking kisses and wicked caresses…or the fact that he makes her smile more than any man ever has.

But when Kerry desperately needs Adam’s help—and he comes through for her without the slightest hesitation—she begins to realize that there just might be more to the man she can’t resist than she’d previously thought. Can the bad boy with no interest in being reformed—and the woman who has no interest in reforming a bad boy—find forever together?

Romance / Erótico

Edições (2)

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All I Ever Need Is You
All I Ever Need Is You


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Resenhas para All I Ever Need Is You (1)

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on 19/8/20

arquiteto de Seattle Adam Sullivan é bem conhecido por suas brilhantes restaurações de construções históricas e por ter absolutamente nenhum interesse em amor e casamento. Ele está feliz por seus irmãos e primos que encontraram o amor verdadeiro, mas que eles apesar de estarem claramente tentando vê-lo resolvido, sua família apenas vai ter que aceitar que a seta do Cupido irá ignorar este Sullivan. Isto é, até que ele conhece Kerry Dromoland ... e de repente Adam começa a questionar tu... leia mais


Avaliações 4.0 / 83
ranking 34
ranking 45
ranking 20
ranking 1
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cadastrou em:
14/04/2015 10:16:07
editou em:
16/01/2019 15:17:36

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