Fragile Things

Fragile Things Neil Gaiman


Fragile Things

Short Fictions and Wonders

A mysterious circus terrifies an audience for one extraordinary performance before disappearing into the night, taking one of the spectators along with it . . .

In a novella set two years after the events of American Gods, Shadow pays a visit to an ancient Scottish mansion, and finds himself trapped in a game of murder and monsters . . .

In a Hugo Award-winning short story set in a strangely altered Victorian England, the great detective Sherlock Holmes must solve a most unsettling royal murder . . .

Two teenage boys crash a party and meet the girls of their dreams—and nightmares . . .

In a Locus Award-winning tale, the members of an excusive epicurean club lament that they've eaten everything that can be eaten, with the exception of a legendary, rare, and exceedingly dangerous Egyptian bird . . .

Such marvelous creations and more—including a short story set in the world of The Matrix, and others set in the worlds of gothic fiction and children's fiction—can be found in this extraordinary collection, which showcases Gaiman's storytelling brilliance as well as his terrifyingly entertaining dark sense of humor. By turns delightful, disturbing, and diverting, Fragile Things is a gift of literary enchantment from one of the most unique writers of our time.

The following stories are contained in this collection:

1) An introduction where Gaiman details some background on each of the stories, and includes a short-short story on its own as well (titled "The Mapmaker")
2) A Study in Emerald
3) The Fairy Reel (poem)
4) October in the Chair
5) The Hidden Chamber
6) Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Secret House of the Night of Dread Desire
7) The Flints of Memory Lane
8) Closing Time
9) Going Wodwo (poem)
10) Bitter Grounds
11) Other People
12) Keepsakes and Treasures
13) Good Boys Deserve Favors
14) The Facts in the Case of the Departure of Miss Finch
15) Strange Little Girls
16) Harlequin Valentine
17) Locks
18) The Problem of Susan
19) Instructions
20) How Do You Think It Feels?
21) My Life
22) Fifteen Painted Cards from a Vampire Tarot
23) Feeders and Eaters
24) Diseasemaker's Croup
25) In the End
26) Goliath
27) Pages from a Journal Found in a Shoebox Left in a Greyhound Bus Somewhere Between Tulsa, Oklahoma and Louisville, Kentucky
28) How to Talk to Girls at Parties
29) The Day the Saucers Came
30) Sunbird
31) Inventing Aladdin
32) The Monarch of the Glen

Edições (8)

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Fragile Things
Fragile Things
Fragile Things
Fragile Things


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Trigger Warning
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Resenhas para Fragile Things (3)

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Qual o limite de sua imaginação?
on 23/12/20

Comprei esse livro anos atrás, mas só comecei a leitura devido à pandemia. O livro é uma coletânea de histórias, inclusive poemas, reunidos durante a vida do escritor. Algumas já publicadas em outras coleções. Por se tratar de uma coletânea, há altos e baixos. Algumas histórias são de tirar o fôlego, mantendo o leitor cativo mesmo após o final. “Closing Time” e “October in a chair” são alguns exemplos. Já reli e sei que vou reler outras vezes, não só pela história em si, mas também pel... leia mais


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16/07/2010 10:06:42

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