O Horror Sobrenatural na Literatura

O Horror Sobrenatural na Literatura H. P. Lovecraft


O Horror Sobrenatural na Literatura

A emoção mais forte e mais antiga do homem é o medo, e a espécie mais forte e mais antiga de medo é o medo do desconhecido. Poucos psicólogos contestarão esses fatos, e a sua verdade admitida deve firmar para sempre a autenticidade e dignidade das narrações fantásticas de horror como forma literária".

Com imensa penetração e poder, Lovecraft expôe as formas e aspectos do horror sobrenatural na literatura e sumariza de maneira magistral toda a gama de expressões literárias do Horror desde o folclore primitivo até os romances e contos dos seus mentores e mestres do século XVIII, XIX e XX.

H. P. Lovecraft's "Supernatural Horror in Literature," first published in 1927, is widely recognized as the finest historical survey of horror literature ever written. The product of both a keen critical analyst and a working practitioner in the field, the essay affords unique insights into the nature, development, and history of the weird tale. Beginning with instances of weirdness in ancient literature, Lovecraft proceeds to discuss horror writing in the Renaissance, the first Gothic novels of the late 18th century, the revolutionary importance of Edgar Allan Poe, the work of such leading figures as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ambrose Bierce, and William Hope Hodgson, and the four “modern masters” -- Arthur Machen, Lord Dunsany, Algernon Blackwood and M. R. James....

H.P. Lovecraft (1890-1937), the most important American supernaturalist since Poe, has had an incalculable influence on all the horror-story writing of recent decades. Altho his supernatural fiction has been enjoying an unprecedented fame, it's not widely known that he wrote a critical history of supernatural horror in literature that has yet to be superceded as the finest historical discussion of the genre. This work is presented in this volume in its final, revised text. With incisive power, Lovecraft here formulates the esthetics of supernatural horror & summarizes the range of its literary expression from primitive folklore to the tales of his own 20th-century masters. Following a discussiom of terror-literature in ancient, medieval & renaissance culture, he launches on a critical survey of the whole history of horror fiction from the Gothic school of the 18th century (when supernatural horror found its own genre) to the time of De la Mare & M.R. James. The Castle of Otranto, Radcliffe, "Monk" Lewis, Vathek Charles Brockden Brown, Melmoth the Wanderer, Frankenstein, Bulwer-Lytton, Fouqué's Undine, Wuthering Heights, Poe (full chapter), The House of the Seven Gables, de Maupassant's The Horla, Bierce, The Turn of the Screw , M.P. Shiel, W.H. Hodgson, Machen, Blackwood & Dunsany are among those discussed in depth. He also notices a host of lesser writers--enough to draw up an extensive reading list. By charting so completely the background for his own concepts of horror & literary techniques, Lovecraft throws light on his own fiction as well as on the horror-literature which has followed. For this reason this book will be especially intriguing to those who've read his fiction as an isolated phenomenon. Any searching for a guide thru the inadequately marked region of literary horror, need search no further'.' [Unabridged & corrected republication of 1945 edition. New introduction by E.F. Bleiler].

Esoterismo / História / Horror / Suspense e Mistério / Terror

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03/08/2009 22:50:22
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