The Black Dagger Brotherhood: An Insider

The Black Dagger Brotherhood: An Insider's Guide J. R. Ward


The Black Dagger Brotherhood: An Insider's Guide (Black Dagger Brotherhood)

Prepare to enter the dark passionate world of The Black Dagger Brotherhood and get up close and personal with each one of the Brothers…

You’ll find insider information on the Brotherhood, their dossiers, stats and special gifts. You’ll read interviews with your favorite characters, including a heartbreaking one with Tohrment and Wellsie, conducted three weeks before she was killed by lessers. You’ll encounter deleted scenes—accompanied by the whys behind the cuts—in addition to exciting material from the J.R. Ward message boards and the answers to questions posed by readers about the series. You’ll learn what it’s like for J.R. Ward to write each installment of the series, and in a fascinating twist, you’ll read an interview with the author—conducted by the Brothers. For the first time ever, you’ll get an original short story about Zsadist and Bella and see the miracle of their daughter Nalla's birth and the depth of their love for each other. Also, you’ll get a sneak peek at the much anticipated next book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, Revenge’s story.

This is a compendium no Black Dagger Brotherhood fan should miss…and an insider’s guide that will seduce you as powerfully as the sexy band of Brothers and the “ferociously popular” world they live in…

Erótico / Romance

Edições (2)

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The Black Dagger Brotherhood: An Insider
The Black Dagger Brotherhood: An Insider


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Resenhas para The Black Dagger Brotherhood: An Insider's Guide (27)

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on 15/5/09

Adorei todo esse compêndio, a história de Z e Bella deu um gostinho de quero mais, as entrevistas são muito engraçadas e traz os irmãos pra mais perto das fãs dos livro, podemos conhecer mais aspectos desses vampiros!! Adorei as cenas deletadas pela autora, algumas mereciam estar na historias. Os chats com os irmãos também ficaram muito bons e engraçados, muito divertido ver o Rhage e o Vishous tirando sarro um com o outro... resumindo o livro é perfeito!!... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
18/04/2009 14:39:25
Florencia Hidalgo
editou em:
17/07/2020 17:27:31

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