Certain Girls

Certain Girls Jennifer Weiner


Certain Girls

Readers fell in love with Cannie Shapiro, the smart, sharp-tongued, bighearted heroine of "Good in Bed" who found her happy ending after her mother came out of the closet, her father fell out of her life, and her ex-boyfriend started chronicling their ex-sex life in the pages of a national magazine.Now Cannie's back. After her debut novel -- a fictionalized (and highly sexualized) version of her life -- became an overnight bestseller, she dropped out of the public eye and turned to writing science fiction under a pseudonym. She's happily married to the tall, charming diet doctor Peter Krushelevansky and has settled into a life that she finds wonderfully predictable -- knitting in the front row of her daughter Joy's drama rehearsals, volunteering at the library, and taking over-forty yoga classes with her best friend Samantha.As preparations for Joy's bat mitzvah begin, everything seems right in Cannie's world. Then Joy discovers the novel Cannie wrote years before and suddenly finds herself faced with what she thinks is the truth about her own conception -- the story her mother hid from her all her life. When Peter surprises his wife by saying he wants to have a baby, the family is forced to reconsider its history, its future, and what it means to be truly happy.Radiantly funny and disarmingly tender, with Weiner's whip-smart dialogue and sharp observations of modern life, "Certain Girls" is an unforgettable story about love, loss, and the enduring bonds of family.

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Certain Girls


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Muito gostoso de ler
on 17/1/21

Comprei esse livro literalmente pela capa, em algum aeroporto, muitos anos atrás. Não o li em nenhum voo. Esperava uma comédia romântica meio irônica e adolescente. Me deparei com uma trama delicada, de fato engraçada, mas também tocante e muito bem construída. Ri e chorei e me apeguei demais aos personagens. Uma delícia de leitura.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
08/04/2012 16:47:16

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