Moon Matched

Moon Matched Samantha Young


Moon Matched

Lunarmorte Repercussions #1

Moon Matched is the first novel in the Lunarmorte Repercussions series, the spin-off from The Tale of Lunarmorte trilogy.

Mackenzie MacLachlan knows what it’s like to live in the shadow of greatness. Not only is she the youngest daughter of the respected Alpha of Pack MacLachlan, but the baby sister of Phoebe, The United Council of Supernaturals’ greatest Hunter and close, personal friend to Caia Ribeiro. Like most girls, Mac wants to be like her heroine of a big sister – a kick-ass, renowned Hunter. But her dad has other plans for her. Determined to keep their bloodline in leadership, her father wants Mac to mate with the next Alpha of the Pack. That means no action and no travelling the world enforcing the new laws. Instead she’ll be stuck in the same town she grew up in, mated to one of the young lykan males she has no time or patience for.

Quinton Sinclair doesn't have it any easier. His big brother, John, died a hero in the Great Battle for Concord. Quinn knows he can never live up to John’s legacy, especially when all he wants to do is head off to college and pursue his dream of becoming a writer. But with a father still grieving for his hero son, Quinn is finding it impossible to refuse his dad’s plans for him. He wants Quinn to be the next Alpha of Pack MacLachlan; even if it means dumping his girlfriend to pursue the stuck up princess of the pack, Mackenzie.

Mackenzie and Quinn have never seen eye to eye. But when Phoebe is kidnapped while on a top priority assignment, and Mac takes off on her own, believing she alone can find her sister, Quinn follows her, determined to save the impetuous lykan from inevitable disaster. And perhaps, just maybe, as they tumble into a danger far bigger than two small-town teens can handle, Mac and Quinn will discover they have a lot more in common than just a pack name.

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Moon Matched
Moon Matched



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