The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald


The Great Gatsby

No one ever knew who Gatsby was.
Some said he had been a German spy, others that he was related to one of Europe's royal families. Nearly everyone took advantage of his fabulous hospitality. And it was fabulous. In his superb Long Island home he gave the most amazing parties, and not the least remarkable thing about them was that few people could recognize their host. He seemed to be a man without a background, without history; whose eyes were always searching the glitter and razzamatazz for something... someone?
The Great Gatsby is one of the great love stories of our time. In it the author distilled the essences of glamour and illusion so powerfully that his book has haunted and tantalized generations of readers.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (68)

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The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby


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Regras de cortesia
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Resenhas para The Great Gatsby (189)

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on 20/2/13

Fitzgerald disse ao seu editor a respeito do livro: "é um trabalho puramente criativo - não são as fantasias desprezíveis das minhas outras histórias, mas a imaginação firme de um mundo sincero e ainda sim radiante" E é verdade. Quem conhecem os contos de Fitzgerald sabe que não há nada de desprezível neles; no entanto há algo de especial em The Great Gatsby que o torna único. É um daqueles livros que deixa no leitor um oco, como se algo não estivesse certo no mundo. Pois então n... leia mais

Vídeos The Great Gatsby (2)

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Eu li, e Dai? #25 - Por que ler e ver The Great Gatsby

Eu li, e Dai? #25 - Por que ler e ver The Gre


Avaliações 3.9 / 2.213
ranking 35
ranking 38
ranking 22
ranking 4
ranking 1



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editou em:
25/06/2021 15:18:08
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25/06/2021 15:19:10

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