Dexter in the Dark

Dexter in the Dark Jeff Lindsay


Dexter in the Dark

In his work as a Miami crime scene investigator, Dexter Morgan is not unaccustomed to seeing evil deeds…particularly because, on occasion, he commits them himself. Guided by his Dark Passenger (the reptilian voice inside him), he lives his outwardly normal life adhering to one simple rule: he only kills very bad people. But Dexter’s happy existence is turned upside-down when he is called to a particularly disturbing crime scene at the university campus. Dexter’s Dark Passenger immediately senses something it recognizes, something utterly chilling, and the Dark Passenger—mastermind of Dexter’s investigative and homicidal prowess—goes into hiding.

Dexter is alone for the first time in his life, and he realizes he’s being hunted by an adversary more sinister than anything he’s ever faced. Dexter must summon his sharpest investigative powers not only to pursue his enemy, but to locate—and truly understand—his Dark Passenger. It is nothing less than a search for his own dark soul…fueled by a steady supply of cream-filled donuts.

Macabre, ironic, and wonderfully entertaining, DEXTER IN THE DARK goes deeper into the dark psyche of one of the freshest protagonists in recent fiction.

Edições (3)

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Dexter in the Dark
Dexter in the Dark
Dexter in the Dark


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Resenhas para Dexter in the Dark (6)

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on 24/11/11

Dexter in the Dark é fraco, monótono, traz uma premissa sobrenatural que desequilibra a saga e consegue ser pior que a terceira temporada da série. Não me levem a mal, a saga Dexter sempre foi fraca, não teria feito tanto sucesso se não fosse pela série de tv e dificilmente teria chamado a atenção de um produtor qualquer se não fosse pelo fato de que é inteirinha em primeira pessoa. Mas esse volume chuta o balde. Não há nenhuma tensão no livro inteiro, e o clímax é tão fraco que ... leia mais


Avaliações 3.7 / 75
ranking 20
ranking 47
ranking 25
ranking 3
ranking 5



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23/02/2009 22:20:25

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