The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden Frances Hodgson Burnett


The Secret Garden

This is an exquisite leatherbound edition of a much-loved children's classic just in time for the 100th anniversary of the book. Illustrated in full colour, it also features distinctive stained-edging and decorative endpapers. It is suitable for children aged 10 to 13 years old. On the grounds of Misselthwaite, her Uncle's estate near the Yorkshire moors, nine-year-old Mary Lennox finds a walled-in garden that has been locked securely for years. She cultivates the garden, an experience that both improves her health and raises her spirits. And it proves beneficial not only to Mary, but to her sickly cousin Colin too, whom her estranged uncle has locked away in solitude following the death of his beloved wife. Nurtured with love and tenderness, the secret garden proves it has the power to heal the heart. First published in 1911, Frances Hodgson Burnett's "The Secret Garden" is a much-loved classic of children's literature. This illustrated edition, with full-colour plates by Charles Robinson, features an elegant bonded-leather binding, a satin-ribbon bookmark, distinctive stained edging and decorative endpapers. It's a book that will be cherished by readers of all ages.

Aventura / Fantasia / Ficção / História / Infantil / Infantojuvenil / Literatura Estrangeira

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on 17/1/24

Simplesmente uma das leituras mais surpreendentes que li. Gostei muito desse livro, da escrita, dos personagens! As crianças são as coisas mais fofas e humanas que já li em livros ? até quando elas eram super chatas, era compreensível. Transmitir isso para o leitor foi muito bom. Gostei das mensagens e de como tudo foi construído. Menos o final aff queria mais sobre eles kk mas tudo bem, entendi. Super recomendo.... leia mais


Avaliações 4.1 / 958
ranking 44
ranking 34
ranking 18
ranking 3
ranking 1



Viviane K.
cadastrou em:
13/11/2012 20:09:43

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