It Just Had To Be You

It Just Had To Be You Jacqueline Francis


It Just Had To Be You (Second Chances #1)

Scott Carter is a bully. Scott Carter is a racist. Scott Carter is the most arrogant douche I have ever met. This man-whore charms the pants off all the girls, but not me - the Latina from the wrong side of town - I see none of that charm. I get the worst of him. He has made my life a living hell, tormenting me for years with no reprieve.

Just when I’m at breaking point, Scott Carter steps in and makes everything ten times worse. My whole life is turned upside down in an instant. And now, after he’s messed up everything, that’s when he decides that maybe we should try to be friends. He wants to reconcile and put the past behind us.

Ugh! No! He can go to hell. I want nothing from Scott Carter…but it’s starting to look like he wants something from me.

If you're looking for haters-to-lovers romance with a sexy, cocky hero and a sassy, quick-witted heroine, this one is just for you. #slowburn #highschooldrama

Dear Reader,

Although this is definitely not a 'dark romance', please take note that this book contains many triggers that may be offensive such as suicide (before the book begins) and bullying. In particular, there are some racial slurs. As a woman of color myself, I fully understand how hurtful these words can be. I am no stranger to them either. However, I did not want to tiptoe around this issue or sugarcoat the severity of it. I wanted to highlight how damaging such slurs (or any kind of name-calling for that matter) can be to the person on the receiving end. It also contains strong language and sexual content and is not recommended for readers under 18 years of age or sensitive readers.

The Second Chances Series
This is an interlinking series that spans over ten years and follows the lives of three couples. Follow Scott, Cat, Isabella, Dylan, Peter, and Lia as they navigate their way through life, love, and relationships. This series contains many triggers, break ups and makeups, plenty of OM/OW drama as well as some cheating. Please read the warnings before embarking on this journey with these characters. They invoke every kind of emotion, so be prepared!

Guide to read this series:

Book 1: It just had to be you (Cat and Scott part 1) - Can be read as a standalone or with book 4
Book 2: My Debacle with De Lorenzo (Dylan and Isabella part 1) - Must be read with Book 3.
Book 3: My Infatuation with Isabella (Dylan and Isabella part 2) - Must be read with book 2.
You do not need to read Book 1 to read Book 2 and 3, but it is recommended.

Book 4: It Should've Been Me (Cat and Scott part 2) - Must be read with book 1
You do not need to read Book 2 and 3 to read book 4, but it is recommended.

Book 5: Peter and Lia - Will be published in 2023


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It Just Had To Be You


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on 26/2/24

Se você gosta desse tipo de trope talvez valha a pena, embora não seja o melhor da categoria. Parece mais fanfic do que outra coisa, mas dá pra se entreter 😐... leia mais


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26/02/2024 14:47:08
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26/02/2024 14:47:29

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