The Versace Killer: Life of Serial Killer Andrew Cunanan

The Versace Killer: Life of Serial Killer Andrew Cunanan Jack Smith


The Versace Killer: Life of Serial Killer Andrew Cunanan (Serial Killer True Crime Books)

Jack Smith

The Versace Killer: Life of Serial Killer Andrew Cunanan (Serial Killer True Crime Books) – November 29, 2023

The Twisted Saga of Serial Killer Andrew Cunanan, also Known as the Versace Killer: a Tale of Ambition, Deception, and Descent into Violence.
Andrew Cunanan, or as he was known to his marks, "Andrew DeSilva," was a wannabe playboy, habitual liar, and consistent con artist. Before his death by suicide at the age of 27, most of his short adult life was spent trying to "hit the big time." Andrew had quite a lot of ambition, but unless one counts lying and con artistry, he didn't have a whole lot of talent to match it.

Folks often flock to California to make it big as actors, musicians, writers, or artists—but Andrew Cunanan wasn't involved in any of these fields. Instead, he spent his days talking big at local restaurants, coffee shops, and bars—attempting to convince anyone who would listen that he was "onto something."

Of course, what that something was—was always an incredibly vague prospect. In the meantime, he lived and leached off family, friends, and lovers alike—bouncing from place to place like a vagabond. He talked big but was going nowhere fast.
He would likely have faded into oblivion if he hadn't made a fateful decision one evening to turn to violence. His reasons were just as obscure as the tall tales Andrew told his entire life, and the end result was just as tragic. This book chronicles the strange and twisted saga of Andrew Cunanan in its sordid entirety.

Crime / Não-ficção

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Bruno Rivera
cadastrou em:
05/01/2024 18:08:46
Bruno Rivera
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05/01/2024 18:09:03

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