
Marple Joseph Rudyard Kipling



Twelve New Mysteries (Miss Marple Mysteries)

"Each author captures Christie—and Marple—perfectly, while also displaying just a bit of her own unique touch. . . . This new and entertaining collection by some of our favorite writers will hook a new group of readers to the formidable Miss Marple." — Rhys Bowen, Washington Post

“Marple is the best loved [detective]. Also the most influential. . . . It is Miss Marple who introduced the revolutionary notion that people are essentially the same wherever one goes.” — Los Angeles Times

Agatha Christie’s legendary sleuth, Jane Marple, returns to solve twelve baffling cases in this brand-new collection, penned by a host of acclaimed authors skilled in the fine art of mystery and murder

One doesn't stop at one murder...

Jane Marple is an elderly lady from St Mary Mead who possesses an uncanny knack for solving even the most perplexing puzzles. Now, for the first time in 45 years, Agatha Christie’s beloved character returns to the page for a globe-trotting tour of crime and detection.

Join Marple as she travels through her sleepy English village and around the world. In St Mary Mead, a Christmas dinner is interrupted by unexpected guests; the Broadway stage in New York City is set for a dangerous improvisation; bad omens surround an untimely death aboard a cruise ship to Hong Kong; and a bestselling writer on holiday in Italy is caught in a nefarious plot. These and other crimes committed in the name of love, jealousy, blackmail, and revenge are ones that only the indomitable Jane Marple can solve.

Bringing a fresh twist to the hallmarks of a classic Agatha Christie mystery, these twelve esteemed writers have captured the sharp wit, unique voice, and droll ingenuity of the deceptively demure detective. A triumphant celebration of Christie’s legacy and essential reading for crime lovers, Marple is a timely reminder why Jane Marple remains one of the most famous detectives of all time.

Suspense e Mistério

Edições (4)

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Resenhas para Marple (3)

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Apesar de amar mistério e suspense, eu nunca li um livro da Agatha Christie, eu sei sim que tenho que ler e inclusive tenho os livros, esse momento vai chegar. Eu peguei esse livro para ler achando que ia amar pq não ia comparar com as obras da Agatha, já que nunca li os livros dela, mas infelizmente eu não amei. Achei um decepcionante, as histórias não me prenderam ou marcaram. Com um livro com várias histórias curtas, algumas são melhores que as outras, mas no geral eu não amei... leia mais


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Sarah Warman/ @travelholic_sarah
cadastrou em:
22/09/2022 14:43:24
Sarah Warman/ @travelholic_sarah
editou em:
22/09/2022 14:43:40

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